Recorn is conversation intelligence platform

Collect voice data from phone calls, skype, zoom and other sources, extract crucial moments using AI, and save the value of voice interaction.

Get data from voice interaction to CRM instantly. No more manual data entry or making notes. Gain 30 extra hours a month to do more critical tasks.

Recorn is AI-powered call transcribing platform

Record calls on any device, transcribe voice to text, put data to CRM.

  • No internet required!

Recostar Mobile Application. Based on the Recorn platform.

Call Recorder for iPhone and Android

Record calls easily. Get full transcription, save essential information of a conversation on the go, without ever lifting a pen.

Find Information Quickly

You get a transcription and audio recording of all calls handy. The powerful full-text searching tool provides necessary information in one tap.

Virtual assistant remember all crucial data

Artificial intelligence captures crucial moments from a conversation, drops them into the summary and put them straight into CRM, instantly. Let you focus on the discussion, and never take notes again.

How to Record Call on iPhone?

- Recorn App makes it easy!

Google and Apple mobile platforms restrict call recording feature for security reasons. Existing apps use different tricks like call merge to overcome restrictions, but it causes many problems. Recorn uses another approach. The platform captures call on the phone network, so it works on any device, including iPhone and not affect voice quality. You can record outgoing & incoming calls with one click.

Easy setup

No call

Any mobile

No Wi-Fi or 3G required

Call quality won't be affected by poor 3G or Wi-Fi signal. Recorn uses a local line to record a call.

The Power Of Artificial Intelligence

Call summary

Recorn AI makes a concise description of each recording.

Universal AI features

Catches keywords, names, phone numbers, addresses, time.

Market Specific AI Solutions

  • Real estate
  • Insurance
  • Law
  • Sales

Sophisticated tagging

Each call will be tagged with keywords, so it’s much easier to find information.


Detects language of a speaker and makes translations if necessary.

Data entry automation

The virtual assistant AI put all captured information into a CRM system instantly.

Data Protection

Data Encryption

All voice data processing by AI on Amazon AWS platform. No humans have access. Data stored and transferred encrypted, it could be decrypted on your phone only.

Secured Storage

You can choose: store your data (call recording and transcriptions) on your mobile phone only or store it in a secured Recorn cloud, to have access from another device.

Enterprise Features

Web Application

Aссess audio and text data from desktop. Sync account data across all devices.

Easy Share

Call recording can be a powerful coaching tool. Share knowledge with the team.


Use call recording data to build reports and analyze team productivity.


Transfer recorded and recognized data to CRM or other systems, instantly.

Ready To Try ?

Take part in Recorn call recording App beta testing program and enjoy the free one-year premium subscription.
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